Ribalta Balance Method

This method combines the routines necessary for the human body to maintain the four cardinal fundamentals in their just pure and natural balance.

Balancing assetment with RBM

This method effectively combines the four cardinal human fundamentals to keep the body, mind and soul in a balanced way.


Skeletal muscle

Strength, Control of axial elongation of movement, Dynamic control, Stabilization of the lumbar-pelvic rhythm.



Breathing and respiration for metabolism, circular system.



Greater availability and production of neurotransmitters, coordination of movement, flexibility, better body scapular stability, balance and use of paretic muscles.



Keeps the body toned, with all metabolic levels in their proper measure.

Combining routines

Our body is synchronized as a clock, each piece has its specific function. The RBM combines the routines that the four fundamentals of the body work, maintaining it in perfect harmony and providing an optimal rate of life. The RBM groups these routines in three groups ...

Indoors routines


Full Balance Assessment

This routine is the first of all, it is a basic body examination that is done to know the physical condition of the participant. Weight, body mass, resistance, etc. is evaluated. 


Classic Training

This is the basic training dedicated to the initiation of each participant in the RBM experience, they are adapted to each person, with clear and simple explanations, constantly supervised.


Leg Night

Intense cross training dedicated to the toning and molding of lower limbs, this routine is executed during periods of one (1) hour and produces a high calorie wear.



Intense high impact routine, using weights in upper and lower limbs, with a long cycle of repetitions. This routine acts radically on all human anatomy.


Circuit Music

This routine is an average intensity. It is an improvised exercise circuit that should be executed to very rhythmic music compas, acts on the whole body and is for all levels.



Exercise circuit directed strictly to glutes and abdominals. Repetitions without weight to failure. High intensity routine that eliminates that burns body fat and remove the muscle apparatus.


Suspencion Beat

Intense routine, with vascular cardio exercises combined with the use of TRX, executed with music and at intervals duration of one (1) hour. This routine is can in calorie wear.


Reformer X

High intensity routine, applying all the exercises that can be done in the "Pilates reformer bed". This type of training helps stretch human structure and improve body mechanics. It is also used to correct posture.


Made Intervals

Intense routines of high level exercises, with many radical peak cardiac intervals, taking the pace of pulsations from a very low level at a very high level for each training set. Great to burn calories..


Machine 25

Twenty-five routine (25) Repetitions in four (4) series using all the weights and gym machines set, excellent for muscle construction and molding of the body figure.


Chrono Challenge

Improvised exercise circuits executed against stopwatch, each exercise routine has a (1) minute with ten (10) seconds between exercise for body recovery, full routine lasts one (1) hour.



Routine a lot of intensity and very caloric consumption, contains high and low impact cardio, flexibility exercises, strength exercises. They are 45 min. without a rest. It is very high performance.


Bike and more

Intense routines of bicycle exercises, passing from the daily heating to the intense exercise of spinning. In this type of exercise the level of caloric wear is very high.



This routine is one of the most important because, after the body has been subjected to an intense activity yoga places it in a state of deep relaxation and total contact with the spirit.


Wellness & Nutritional

The nutritional aspect occupy a very high percentage in a balanced lifestyle, our expert will help you achieve that nutritional balance that, together with the rest of the aforementioned routines, completed the system that will change your lifestyle.

Outdoors routines


Outer Mix

Fully outdoor exercise routines (squares, parks, forest, mountain, etc.), using apparatus such as leagues, weights, TRX and other sports utenciles, including our own weight, all that in an environment adapted to Climate and according to the temperature


Urban Biking

Routines comprised of entertaining bicycle walks while the RBM is taught suggested, all supervised by an expert, in controlled and maximum security and privacy environments.


Beach Training

Fun moments on the beach where you do exercises taking advantage of the degree of difficulty that the area provides, is also played beach sports as a recreation and perform relaxant yoga classes


Urban Parks Training

Routine comprised by high and low impact training designed by RBM, made in urban parks where you can breathe a cooler and clean air, using conventional dumbbeans.

Online routines


Online Live Training

The RBM can also be defined as an exclusive club with an excellent lifestyle, in our channel on YouTube there are some routine tutorials, health advice and all those activities in which RBM has participation.


Online Library

This section will find the entire routine cycle comprising the MRS System as well as practical advice and all those activities that will make your lifestyle stay at an optimal level.


Online One on One

This section is intended for live-to-person live routine instruction, as well as all live activities where the RBM is present. Indoors and outdoors events, festivals and many more ...


Blog & Social Netwok

Although this is an open section, follow us by our blog and social networks loa will keep aware of everything that RBM offers, courses, advice, recreation, food and everything necessary to follow a high-level lifestyle .

Why the RBM Holystic

  • The value of doing RBM as a complete entity is greater than doing each routine individually. When it comes to our health, a holistic life means evaluating how every decision we make in our life impacts our health.
  • Normally the medical paradigm is approached from a reductionist point of view, reductionist thinking has created a health care system that focuses on treating a person's illness, rather than helping them recover.
  • The RBM is totally holistic because it is structurally complete, the system recommends that you evaluate all aspects of your day-to-day performance in terms of how they affect your lifestyle and health. Human contact and social interaction, continuous learning, and exposure to healthy environments are examples of critical components of a healthy lifestyle. 
  • Becoming a person who understands that human beings are by nature holistic will lead to a lifestyle that supports health rather than treating the body regularly as a collection of parts. 

Cheating the biological clock

The best anti-aging technique has nothing to do with emerging theories about aging or "fountain of youth" therapies. The best thing you can do to live longer and healthier is to do everything you can to prevent illness and disease. The RBM has a complete structure that will keep you healthy and in great shape ...

Cardiovascular exercises: improve circulation and consequently improve muscle and skin tone.

Lumbar-pelvic rhythm exercises: you will stand up better, you will look taller, you will look sharper, your chest will look better in shape, your back will look more stylistic, you will develop the body evenly, correct wrong postures, restore physical vitality, invigorating the mind and elevating the spirit. ".

Breathing and Breathing Exercise for Metabolism: You will feel strong, you will be able to do more, your sex life will improve.

Balanced Nutrition Education: "Bye Botox, Hello Strawberries, Blueberries, and Raspberries" are all loaded with antioxidants, which save cells from premature aging. This is just one example of many recommendations the RBM will use. 

Natural oxygen balance

Good nutrition is as essential for good health as breathing

Eating provides the body with the building blocks it needs to renew itself. The body's systems and processes are influenced by our diet which makes healthy nutrition a must. Oxygen is an energy catalyst that plays a vital role in the optimal performance of the human body. Our cells are aerobic, which means that they require adequate levels of oxygen for respiration and cell growth.

The RBM includes a comprehensive evaluation of your nutritional values and your optimal level of vitamins and minerals, with this information, we develop an individualized diet and a supplementation plan designed to heal your digestive system and increase the absorption of nutrients. We also help you reduce your food allergies, thus reducing the burden on your immune system. 


Intelligent Schedule

Each member has their own place in our facilities.

The RBM - Intelligent Schedule is a five-week program that is designed for you to perform all the necessary activities in a balanced and constant way. Each person will create their unique Smart Program and develop specific routines designed to balance their specific need in the four cardinal foundations of their body.

The secret of the RBM is to provide exactly what your body and mind need, no more, no less, and for that, we started with a unique medical assessment of Body Composition, Nutritional Assessment and Bioelectrical Independence. With the data collected you can determine your real needs in each of the four cardinal foundations of the body and proceed to develop the calendar of activities that you particularly need.

These evaluations and the respective calendar are prepared by accredited professionals in each of the areas. 


Educational Program

In the RBM you don't obey a coach ... you prepare yourself as a future coach!

In our facilities, our coaches are not famous, our method is famous.

We strive to develop and improve our techniques in order to provide the best possible method to our members and educate them at each end of every slope so that they can be more prepared in the future. 

Level Program

The human being always wants to scale levels of success. The RBM is designed in four levels of training

Transition level

Training necessary to understand the method, its principles and transition between routines.

Orange level

Basic training in the four cardinal fundamentals of your body. participation in competitions.

Purple level

This is the level where your balanced physical life begins. Advanced training in the fundamentals of the four cardinals of your body. 



Visit Us

SW 28th Terrace Miami,
Florida 33133, USA.

Contacts us now!